Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Motivations curse becoming blessing. we as people believe that feeling good can create a sense of confidence in us to motivate us to be the best that we can be. The only problem though is that sometimes these praises that is used to motivate us can make us get carried away with ourselves.Their are such differences in how we praise a person that we dont quit understand yet so we never notice how we influence a person. There are times where we believe that the appearance of being educated is all you need to succeed in everything you do while others believe that success in education comes with hard work and determination. The thing is those two claims coenside with each other, they come hand in hand. For example. When you try to get a job you go through the interviewing process before you are handed the job. The things an employer is looking for is what you can bring to their bussiness. So at first sight they would check to see if you are dressed to part because first appearances means alot. then they ask you about your life, what experiences you had with a similar job, and what form of education you have. Yes the appearance of a working man or woman is important but also the managers confidence in how hard you work counts just as much. If i am willing to give you praise for what youve done and continue to do i should praise you on how much yo improved in your accomplishment. Everything we do in life doesnt eserve praise, sometimes we just need the truth. Praise me for how hard i worked not how long and my knowledge of the work but the effort i put into the work. Those are the feelings that are more worth wild and last far greater then a lifetime.

     Motivations curse becoming blessing. we as people believe that feeling good can create a sense of confidence in us to motivate us to be the best that we can be. The only problem though is that sometimes these praises that is used to motivate us can make us get carried away with ourselves.Their are such differences in how we praise a person that we dont quit understand yet so we never notice how we influence a person.

     There are times where we believe that the appearance of being educated is all you need to succeed in everything you do while others believe that success in education comes with hard work and determination. The thing is those two claims coenside with each other, they come hand in hand. For example. When you try to get a job you go through the interviewing process before you are handed the job. The things an employer is looking for is what you can bring to their bussiness. So at first sight they would check to see if you are dressed to part because first appearances means alot. then they ask you about your life, what experiences you had with a similar job, and what form of education you have. Yes the appearance of a working man or woman is important but also the managers confidence in how hard you work counts just as much too.

      If i am willing to give you praise for what youve done and continue to do i should praise you on how much you improved in your accomplishment. Everything we do in life do not deserve praise, sometimes we just need the truth. Praise me for how hard i worked not how long and my knowledge of  the work but the effort i put into the work. Those are the feelings that are more worth wild and last far greater for a lifetime.

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